Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pass the sparkle...season

So, I've been looking forward to spending this holiday season with Doozer and Topher.

Last Christmas, Doozer was a screaming peanut. He had no concept of the holidays. We were home from the hospital a day or so before Christmas. But, one of the pictures I hold most dear, is of Topher showing Doozer the Christmas tree. Th sentiment is beautiful. Doozer hasn't gotten into the age of consumerism and "Iwantthatnow" yet. He is still enthralled by the lights of the trees, and the snow falling on his forehead. I get excited thinking of the traditions our new little family will get to begin - new pj's on Christmas Eve, reading "'Twas The Night Before Christmas" every night with my son in my arms. Creating beautiful memories with my husband.

So, I've got a little tree up and I'm planning the decorating of the big one. I'm getting ready to fish a Doozer and a Pablo out of the tree for the next month. I'm getting ready to finish the sock monkey which will be the first present Dooze will open up. His Christmas hat is knit and ready to be decorated and tinsel-ated. Bring on the egg nog and family time and roast beast!!! I'm ready for it!